That is my next subject. Boring, you say?
Well, read on my friends and don't judge so quickly.
I was driving to work in a rush the other day worried I was not going to make it on time. Along with my worries were five thousand other drivers thinking the same thing! We were all weaving in and out of lanes to get to the fastest lane there. You know, you've been there.
How annoying is it to get behind someone not in a rush to get to work! Darn them, they must have left early enough to get to work on time!
Since my day is surrounded by auto insurance issues, of course insurance was on my mind. And since I am the insurance geek, well, you get the rest.
So, who's responsibility is it to drive safe? Is the company you insure with responsible? The passenger in your car? DOT (Department of Transportation)? Or your father for not teaching you how to drive well?
I am here to announce, yes announce, that it is your responsibility that I get to work on time.
Bold statement, I know.
OKAY, you too. But if we are all to drive on the roads fast and weavy... we need to make sure we are totally focused on the road and the lanes. Totally. No looking at email or texting or changing radio stations or even looking at the beautiful flowers on the side of the road.
So one more word. Be responsible for me, stay in your lane!