Thursday, May 8, 2014

Oooh, just realized how long its been since I've written a blog post on insurance issues!  Wow, life can sure get away from us, can't it!


That is my next subject.  Boring, you say?
Well, read on my friends and don't judge so quickly. 

I was driving to work in a rush the other day worried I was not going to make it on time. Along with my worries were five thousand other drivers thinking the same thing!  We were all weaving in and out of lanes to get to the fastest lane there.   You know, you've been there.
How annoying is it to get behind someone not in a rush to get to work!  Darn them, they must have left early enough to get to work on time!

Since my day is surrounded by auto insurance issues, of course insurance was on my mind. And since I am the insurance geek, well, you get the rest.  

So, who's responsibility is it to drive safe?  Is the company you insure with responsible?  The passenger in your car? DOT (Department of Transportation)? Or your father for not teaching you how to drive well?  

I am here to announce, yes announce, that it is your responsibility that I get to work on time.

Bold statement, I know. 
              OKAY, you too.  But if we are all to drive on the roads fast and weavy...   we need to make     sure we are totally focused on the road and the lanes.  Totally. No looking at email or texting or changing radio stations or even looking at the beautiful flowers on the side of the road.   


So one more word.  Be responsible for me, stay in your lane!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

What Is a Loyalty Discount?

Its been quite a while since I've written a posting for my blog.  I have been so busy with my job in insurance, which just means job security but also means not writing blog posts!

I finally have time and something to say.

The other day my  husband and I bought a new car.  We've had the same insurance company for about 25 plus years and had accrued a "loyalty discount".  Each company calls this discount something different.  It might be called Guaranteed Renewal, Loyalty, Good Driver, Policy Time, Policy age...etc. Each policy, no matter how many times you changed your car stands on its own and begins to accrue this time.  So if you buy a new car and start a new policy... it begins at day one and earns its loyalty time day by day, year by year.

Why is this important to know?

Have you ever stumbled upon a great deal on a car and bought it?  You knew you needed to sell the current one, but you were not ready yet. Maybe you plan on saving it for your upcoming teenager or something? If not, we all know it takes time to sell a car & you want to get a good deal, right?   Right. 

The absolute best thing to do, is to "replace" the current car with your super duper good deal.  It will pick up the long-time accrued "loyalty" discount.   Then start a NEW policy with the one you plan on selling.   Because you see, once you sell that car, the loyalty discount goes with it!!!

Yep.  It does.  

Once you sell that old car, the new policy you took out? (Which only had a few  months on it). That policy goes away, is cancelled, deleted... gone bye-bye, dumped in the vast sea of dead policies.

Which is okay, cause it didn't have enough time on it to accrue that loyalty discount.
Make sense? 
Well, good.  I'm glad you read my blog today and learned something!

For more good learning, read my past blogs on car insurance, etc and comment!!
 Every comment is welcome.

Have a great February everyone!